Smartlipo takes an amazing concept and makes it even better than traditional liposuction which introduced the world to body contouring. Smartlipo has the ability to be used as a complement to traditional liposuction for large areas or to treat targeted trouble spots, Smartlipo was the first and is the trusted choice in laser-assisted lipolysis.

With Smartlipo, there is significantly less bleeding, swelling and bruising than traditional liposuction. As a result, recovery is faster. Because local anesthetic is used instead of general anesthesia, you’re awake during the procedure—that’s a real plus leading to a faster, easier recovery.

Traditional Liposuction Smartlipo
Usually under general anesthesia Local anesthesia
Loose skin remains where fat is suctioned out Tightened skin from collagen production where lasers are used
Significant pain Less pain
Increased chance of complications (based on touch-ups) Less chance of complications (based on touch-ups)
Resume work after a week Resume work after two days

According to American Health and Beauty, Smartlipo is the most popular requested cosmetic procedure in 2008 and 2009. This is due to the minimal invasiveness of the procedure and the high degree of patient satisfaction. So what area would you like to improve?

To find out if Smartlipo may be right for you, call Des Moines Plastic Surgery™ at 515-221-9999 and schedule your consultation today.