Man proud of his hair

Thinning hair is now a thing of the past…

Neograft before and after photo in Des Moines and Ankeny, IowaHair loss affects 35 million men and 21 million women. Since 2008, hair transplantation has increased almost 50% according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). Until now, no other invasive solution has been offered other than the “strip method.” NeoGraft is now the best alternative to the strip method as it is less invasive and does not require stitches, thereby significantly reducing pain and recovery time all while leaving behind no scars. NeoGraft™ has been touted as the best method for hair follicle transplantation, and Des Moines Plastic Surgery™ is the only practice in Iowa offering this treatment.

The “strip method” and NeoGraft™ are the only permanent solutions for hair loss. Both methods utilize individual hair follicle transplantation which is a simple technique of moving single healthy hair follicles from a donor site of the scalp (typically the back of the head where hair density is the highest) to a bald or thinning area of the scalp.

The “strip method” involves surgically removing a strip of scalp known as the donor site. The strip generally ranges from approximately 1 – 1.5 cm in width to 5 – 30 cm in length. Once removed, the incision is closed using stitches or staples resulting in a large scar.

In contrast, the NeoGraft™ method does NOT involve the removal of a strip of hair. Thistechnique uses an automated device to manually “punch” out individual hair follicles which leaves no scar. The individual hair follicles are then transplanted to the balding or thinning area of the head. NeoGraft™ is a completely automated, “no touch” implantation technology that uses controlled pneumatic pressure to slide out the hair follicles. Both methods result in permanent transplantation of hair that grows similar to your existing hair, producing natural, healthy hair. The advantages of Neograft™ are no scar on the back of the head from the donor site and faster recovery.

Des Moines Plastic Surgery™ is the only practice in Iowa offering NeoGraft™. Call for a complimentary consultation with Dr. David Robbins at 515.221.9999. You may also email us at

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